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MultiWave Oscillatorm,cells work electricaly Georges Lakhovsky, Bioelectric Pioneer Georges Lakhovsky was a brilliant Russian scientist who moved to France to study the affects of electromagnetic waves produced by man-made power lines, electrical devices and solar and cosmic energy waves on living creatures. He believed that the cell is the essential organic unit in all living creatures. In his book, "The Secret of Life," Georges Lakhovsky said, "the cell is an electromagnetic resonator, capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of every frequency. " He stated , "the nucleus of the cell consists of a tubular filament, chromosomes and mitochondria, made up of insulating materials and filled with a conducting fluid containing mineral salts found in sea-water." "These filaments are comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity (the ability to store energy) and self-inductance (energy flowing through a cell causes a magnetic field to be set up around it) and therefore capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency." He realized cells worked as a conductor and had energy flowing through it, thus causing a magnetic and electromagnetic field. Each cell is unique, depending on its form and function. He recognized cells acted like condensers that could store energy. He believed that the cells of all living organisms waged a continual war against microbes that he described as a "war of radiations." If the radiations of the microbe wins, the cell ceases to oscillate at a healthy level and the cell eventually dies. If the radiations of the cell are powerful enough and oscillate at a healthy level, the microbe is killed and health is maintained. Lakohsky stated, "Health is equivalent to oscillatory equilibrium while disease is characterized by oscillatory disequilibrium." (The Secret of Life, Lakhovsky page 7) All life including man consists of subtle electrical fields which control such vital functions as growth, metabolism, thought, movement, etc. The human body, composed of ions, minerals and a high percentage water, is a strong conductor of energy and like metal is a very effective antenna structure. It has an inconceivably intricate biocomputer system which controls and orders biological processes. The subtle energy field of the body provides the instructions for the reproduction, division, and function of all cells. Any disruption in the integrity of this critically important biocomputer and subtle energy field can be devastating to the correct and effective functioning of all organ systems, especially the brain. Dr. Becker, M.D., author of the "Body Electric" and "Cross Currents" and one of the most respected research scientists in this area, stated, "We now live in a sea of electromagnetic radiation that we cannot sense and that never before existed on this earth. New evidence suggests that this massive amount of radiation may be producing stress, disease and other harmful effects all over the world by interfering with the most basic levels of brain function." In his book, "The Body Electric," he says, "these dangers must be brought into the open so forcefully that the entire population of the world is made aware of them. Since our civilization is irreversibly dependent on electronics, abolition of electromagnetic radiation is out of the question. However, as a first step in averting disaster, we must halt the introduction of new sources of electromagnetic energy while we investigate the biohazards of those we already have with a completeness and honesty that have so far been in short supply." (page 328). William Reich, a German scientist, the creator of the, Theory of Orgone, was also part of a small minority in the worldwide scientific community. He believed the cells of living organisms apparently can release more energy than they take up in their food. He theorized a space that is enclosed on all sides by a conducting membrane, which can be charged, leads to such a conversion of tachyon (charged particles in motion that produce magnetism) into heat. Reich demonstrated the truth of his theory by covering a small box constructed of wood on all sides with an electrically conducting membrane, a metallic foil. When he placed a thermometer in side and outside of the box he could show inside the box the temperature was four degrees Celsius warmer than outside, whether the box was placed in a light or dark room. The box eventually became known as the "Orgone Box." "Since any biologically active cell, also the cell of a human organism, represents a housing covered on all sides by an electrically charged membrane with double contortions, the prerequisites for conversion of Orgone energy into heat should exist here. In principle, this is nothing else than the conversion of gravity field energy into heat. Any biologically active organism con be looked upon , to a certain extent, as a gravity field energy converter. Conditions which reduce the electrical potential of cell membranes can, for this reason, have drastic effects on the biological functions of life. Turbulence in the Tachyon-Field (for the time being, we can use this rather inaccurate definition) are capable of rapidly discharging a charged condenser. Such 'turbulences' can also have a damaging effect on membrane systems of the cell of a human organism." Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society, by Hans A. Nieper, C1985, pages 35-36