Georges Lakhovsky

Multiwave Oscillator


What is an MWO (Article at a glance)

In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of the Multiwave Oscillator (MWO), a device that has gained attention for its potential health benefits and unique approach to wellness.

What is the Multiwave Oscillator (MWO)? (More detailed details below)

The Multiwave Oscillator is a device originally developed by the genius inventor Nikola Tesla and further refined by the French engineer Georges Lakhovsky in the 1920s and 1930s. Lakhovsky's work with the MWO was based on his theory that cells possess frequencies and that disease is the result of cells vibrating out of harmony. He believed that by exposing the body to a range of electromagnetic frequencies, the cells could be brought back into harmony, thus promoting health and well-being.

Nikola Tesla Amazing Healings

How Does it Work?

The MWO emits a broad spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies, including radio frequencies, ultraviolet frequencies, and more. According to Lakhovsky's theory, these frequencies resonate with the cells of the body, helping to restore their natural frequencies and promoting health and vitality.

Potential Benefits of the Multiwave Oscillator:

Cellular Regeneration: Proponents of the MWO believe that the device can promote cellular regeneration, helping to repair damaged cells and tissues.

Improved Energy Levels: Some users report feeling more energized and alert after using the MWO regularly.

Enhanced Well-being: Many users of the MWO claim that it helps to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Pain Relief: The MWO is also said to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation, making it popular among those suffering from chronic pain conditions.

Using the Multiwave Oscillator:

The MWO is typically used by sitting or standing near the device for a certain period, usually ranging from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the individual's needs and tolerance.

In Conclusion:

The Multiwave Oscillator is a fascinating device with a long history and a dedicated following. While more research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits and mechanisms of action, many people swear by its ability to promote health and well-being.

If you're curious about the Multiwave Oscillator and want to learn more, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help you on your journey to wellness.



Lakhovsky Research

Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator - MWO The healing, antiaging, detox and tonic effects of the Multiwave Oscillator, , Is the MWO multiwave Oscillator helpfull with cancer or arthritis? Will a multiwave Oscillator help with general health.will it build the immune system and slow the ageing process?, Can multiple high frequencies effect the length of Telomere's

Scientific research demonstrates what many people already know: certain frequencies helps to accelerate learning, focus attention, and enhance health.

From the shamans of Outer Mongolia to the Manbos of the Caribbean, frequencies has been used for thousands of years as a means to create and maintain health and well being. There is hardly a place on this planet where frequencies, hasn't embedded itself into the very fabric of society - often becoming an essential part of creating and maintaining spiritual, mental, and physical health.

Reverse Ageing

Each body has it’s own unique frequency, when the interaction of these frequencies are balanced, you feel peaceful and at perfect harmony with yourself as well as towards other people. When they are off balance, it can have significant negative effects. An unbalanced body, is unable to fulfill it’s energy contribution to the system. This can have negative psychological and physical consequences on an individual. Anger, depression, constipation,lack of concentration, and sexual dysfunctions are just a few examples of symptoms due to unbalanced internal frequencies.

The mind is like a pond. On the surface you see all the disturbances, yet the surface is only a fraction of the pond. It is in the depth below the surface, where there is stillness, that you will come to know the true essence of the pond, as well as your own mind.

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.


1932 was the time of success for Lakhovsky at De la Salpétrière Hospital. A study of his equipment revealed quite a number of astonishing similarities with Rife's apparatus. 1932, extraordinary coincidence as both men are unknown to each other, and it is also the year when a series of sixteen patients suffering cancer in terminal phase, are treated by R. Rife. These patients were chosen by a committee of doctors for their desperate condition and treated under the committee's supervision three minutes every day (which appears extremely short). Three months later, fourteen of them were declared clinically cured by a committee of five doctors!!! Neck cancers, stomach cancers as big as oranges had totally disappeared! During the following years, more victories over cancers, tuberculosis, ulcers etc. were obtained (we find here conventional indications of pulsed electromagnetic waves). As for Rife, all he got from these extraordinary events was... a lawsuit which led to his downfall (see JP Lentin's well documented piece of work "Ces ondes qui tuent et qui soignent" meaning Waves that kill and heal - Ed. Albin Michel).

According to Lakhovsky, the way to counter a vibrational attack was to introduce a broad spectrum of RF (radio frequency) harmonic energies into the system and then, through the principle of sympathetic resonance, each cell would pick out exactly the proper frequency needed to reinforce its own internal vibration and the healthy cell would be more resistant to vibrational attack from virus and bacteria. His method of achieving this was by means of his invention that is known today as the Multiwave Oscillator

A Multi Wave Oscillator Testimonial

Let us suppose a cell vibrates at a certain frequency and a microbe vibrates at a different frequency; the microbe begins to fight the cell, and sickness is started. If the cell cannot repel the stronger vibrations and if the amplitude of its own vibration decreases, the microbe gains and it vibrations in decreasing and stopping those of the cells, bring dangerous sickness or death. If, on the contrary, the living cell is started vibrating with the proper amplitude by inside or outside causes, the oscillatory attack is repulsed. Such is my theory.
by Georges Lakhovsky

The cells of disease-causing organisms produce different frequencies than that of normal, healthy cells in plants, animals, and people. For people or plants suffering from disease conditions, Lakhovsky found that if he increased the amplitude of the oscillations of healthy cells by using the multiwave oscillator, this increase would overwhelm and dampen the oscillations produced by the disease-causing cells, thus bringing about the demise of the disease-causing cells.


Lakhovsky believed that living cells are batteries; the nucleus holds the positive charge and the cytoplasm carries the negative. If cells were irradiated with a range of electromagnetic oscillations, they could be "recharged" and thus rejuvenated. A range of frequencies is necessary because the cell and its parts respond to different frequencies.
Mainstream research supports the idea that "We are electrical creatures using a biochemical body to exist in an electro-chemical environment," as Van Tassel wrote. The name "Integratron" actually applies to a machine, a high-voltage electrostatic generator, that would supply the range of frequencies to recharge cell structure. Added to this are certain magnetic field principles and Nikola Tesla's technique of creating high ionization static fields.

Mitochondrial Energy?


Direct Measurement of Potential Difference across the Human Red Blood Cell Membrane

In an article in Radio News Magazine in February 1925, Lakhovsky wrote: "In conclusion I wish to call attention of the reader to the fact that I have obtained very conclusive results not only with a wavelength of two meters, but with longer and shorter wavelengths. The main thing is to produce the greatest number of harmonics possible." [Also see Electricity for Health in the 21st Century.]


They viewed disease or illness as a battle of vibrations between the cells of the body versus viruses and bacteria. If the pathogenic organisms won this vibrational contest, the cells would become energetically weakened and more susceptible to disease. According to Lakhovsky, the way to counter this vibrational attack was to introduce a broad spectrum of RF (radio frequency) harmonic energies into the system and then, through the principle of sympathetic resonance, each cell would pick out exactly the proper frequency needed to reinforce its own internal vibration and the healthy cell would be more resistant to vibrational attack from virus and bacteria.
Tesla argued that by going back to our base physical components, it can be safely said that the physical body is built from multitudes of particles held together by electrical bonds. Electrical forces are what hold atoms and molecules together. Chemical bonds and reactions depend on these electrical forces. Therefore, all chemical reactions are, in essence, reorganizations of electrical forces, which continue to be vital at body levels, i.e., tissues and organs. When this is all taken into account, a living organism is shown to be an extremely intricate electrical system (Gibson and Gibson 1987)

Emotions of fear, apathy, grief, anger, anxiety ill health emit a much different resonance or vibrational output than those emotions of love, joy, gratitude ,radiant health. just as tuning to 96.9 FM emits and as a result attracts a different outcome or frequency than 104.7 FM on your radio dial.

Without getting into all the mathematical equations and specifics of the scientific discoveries of this reality, everything that exists, either physical (seen) or non-physical (unseen), contains some variation of atoms and subatomic particles. The varying amounts of each of these put together, form various shapes or energies which determine form, or rates of vibration. Depending on the specific amounts of each of these ingredients determines the structure of each object that can be seen and determines whether the thing is solid, liquid, or gas, and which also determines whether it can be sensed with the 5 human senses or not. Regardless of it's form, broken down into it's most basic structure, everything that exists, seen and unseen, consists of a rate of vibration

Excerpts from the "Multiwave oscillator" Handbook

Science Proves Lakhovsky's theories?  

The existence of strong electric fields across cellular membranes is accepted as a basic fact of cell biology. The fact that cells have internal electric fields as well, however, is a whole new revelation. Scientists previously did not know of the existence of internal cellular energy fields, and are just in the earliest stages of understand the phenomenon. Kopelman presented his results at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology this month. "There has been no skepticism as to the measurements," says Kopelman. "But we don't have an interpretation."

Daniel Chu of the University of Washington in Seattle agrees that Kopelman's work provides proof of concept that cells have internal electric fields.

Oscillating pulsed electric field (OPEF) technology is literally shattering targeted cancer cells like crystal glass. In repeated and controlled experiments, the frequencies, known as oscillating pulsed electric field (OPEF) technology, killed an average of 25% to 40% of leukemia cells, going as high as 60% in some cases. Furthermore, the intervention even slowed cancer cell growth rates up to 65%. It was a double whammy. The team also found success attacking ovarian cancer cells. Most recently, they tested the treatment against the deadly super bug MRSA, an organism that is resistant to many common antibiotics. Thousands of people die every year from MRSA, Holland explains, and the drugs normally used against the pathogen are known to have toxic side effects. Incredibly, the frequency therapy eliminated antibiotic resistance, and researchers were able to introduce a small amount of antibiotic to kill the bug.
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"When cells are irradiated with a correct polarized electromagnetic field(which has a broad range of frequencies) , each cell will pick up on a frequency and assimilate the energy out of that field. This has a tremendous stimulating and harmonizing action on the cells and thus interacts with surrounding tissues and organs."

"Many illness these days are an autoimmune illness, Often Caused by viruses and Foreign particles introduced into our bodies either by accident ot ignorance.When our immune system cannot ward off a problem in our system in time, something fails. Our main defense is Our immune system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in our body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the".. >>>> Click here for more information

The cells of disease-causing organisms produce different frequencies than that of normal, healthy cells in plants, animals, and people. For people or plants suffering from disease conditions, Lakhovsky found that if he increased the amplitude of the oscillations of healthy cells by using the multiwave oscillator, this increase would overwhelm and dampen the oscillations produced by the disease-causing cells, thus bringing about the demise of the disease-causing cells.

The electromotive force (emf) produced by the Multiwave Oscillator and induced in the cell nucleus, can raise the cell's metabolic rate by electrolysis, and perhaps jog the RNA-DNA "memory" and reproductive capabilities to their level at an earlier, younger age, thus the rejuvenation.

Also Exposure to the multiwave oscillator field induces an detoxification effect/ experience as the body attempts to shed itself of accumulated toxins. An example would be the case of a cigarette smoker starting to cough more as the lungs begin a process of self cleansing in response to repeated exposure to the MWO field

The Key One scientist explains it this way. A NORMAL cell has an electrical potential of 70 millivolts(mv), an AGED cell at 60 mV, and a CANCER or ill cell is 15-20 mV. When a cell is in electrical difficulty the mV and the sodium-potassium balance are out. The high potential brings the cells to an equal level basically resetting them. This allows healing to occur at a higher pace without stressing the cell. And the additional energy restores cell integrity by reorienting it's molecular structure to allow for easier potential movement. Basically it bolsters the field of each cell individually so they support each other more easily.

"When an object is exposed to its natural frequency it will pick up or resonate with that frequency. This is what happens when two violins have been precisely tuned. If the string on one violin is plucked or vibrated, the same string on the other violin will start to vibrate as well. When exposed to the harmonics produced by Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator, the cells could pick up their natural frequency with the results that their strength and health would be improved.

When these outside sources of oscillations are in sympathy, that is they are exactly the same frequency as that produced by the cell, the strength and vigor of that cell will be reinforced and become stronger. "

Our body consists of a quantity of organs that are in turn are made up of tissues. These tissues are in turn made up of cells. When all cells cooperate with each other by being arranged in the right order (correctly polarized), then a bundling of energy happens and the organ will function optimally and strongly.

If there are cells that are not correctly arranged or in the wrong order, then these cells are working against the correctly arranged cells and as such the organ performs weaker. When the amount of cells in the wrong order is extremely large and in a state of disorder, the organ will as such perform very weakly and most probably perform in the wrong way. More information

Bras and Breast Cancer by Ralph L. Reed, Ph.D.
Although I am an environmental chemist (Ph.D in biochemistry), I have been doing a lot of literature research on breast cancer since I saw an article on the National Library of Medicine database over a year ago. That article documented an increase in breast cancer rates between women who do wear bras versus those that do not. Source

Has Science caught up with geniuses ?

Science has found about a fifth of all human cancers worldwide are caused by bacteria parasites and Viruses. In 15% of cancers, seven different viruses have been linked to human oncogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, human papillomavirus, human T-cell lymphotropic virus, hepatitis C virus, Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus, and Merkel cell polyomavirus.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV)
Merkel Cell Polyomavirus (MCV)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1, or HIV)
Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1)
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV

Rife Frequencies



Tesla’s suggestions were taken up in earnest by George Lakhovsky, who perceived that the twisted-filament, coil-like structures within all living cells constitute ultramicroscopic circuits "capable of oscillating electrically over a wide scale of very short wavelengths."

"Treatment with the multiple-wave oscillator mobilizes the body’s own self-healing reserves. Thus the range of diseases that can be treated is infinite. Degenerative conditions develop when the body’s self-healing reserves lose their power. Infections, cancers, inflammations, skeletal degeneration and organ dysfunctions then develop, but often such conditions can be reversed if these reserves are revived. Even fractures and cuts can be healed in a fraction of the normal time. Neural dysfunctions, from headaches to deafness to paralysis, can be normalized. The Multiwave Oscillator has been used successfully to treat arthritis. Can any such a cure-all really exist? If there is a generalized life-force enhancer, then the answer is yes, and this may be it." Source

Shattering Viruses, Parasites and Tumors with resonant frequencies ?

Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects. Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ' Father of Computer Music'), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories. Click here for more information

“Well I have lived my life for the benefit of humanity, and it is the end result of the accomplishment.” R Rife

Multiwave Oscillator

The Multiwave Oscillator is a cutting-edge device that harnesses the power of electromagnetic waves to promote vitality and well-being. By emitting a series of precisely calibrated frequencies, the MWO stimulates the body's natural energy field, helping to restore balance and harmony.

Using advanced technology, the Multiwave Oscillator generates a unique combination of electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with the body's own energy field. This resonance helps to enhance cellular function, promote detoxification, and support overall health and vitality.

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Frequency Analysis of the Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator

They unknowingly overlook the unlimited supply which is quite literally "Infinite" in nature that is available, and easily within the grasp of every person on earth who is willing to accept it and allow it to be. THE Multiwave Oscillator PRODUCES.....thousands of frequencies that Resonate with the bodies Cells

Lakhovsky Library

Lakhovsky's central idea is this:
Patents The Radio Cellulo-Oscillator Worring Times
The Original Multiple Wave Oscillator   Lakhovsky's Discovery
What is a MultiWave-Oscillator
and What can it do for me ?
Using the Lakhovsky MultiWave Oscillator for Healing Frequency Analysis of the Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator from 20 Hz to 20 GHz
 A new method Fighting Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies Bioelectrical Universe
The Lengh of Treatment Cells work electricaly What is frequency
Body Composition Ed Skilling The Waves That Heal
Central Idea Bioelectro-magnetic Healing The Lost Inventions of Nikola Tesla
Multiwaave Oscilltor Video Clip Multiple Wave Oscillator (Order Now!) Electromagnetic effects on Human Behavoir
Bracelet Multi-Wave
Oscillator Use In Hospita
Lakhovsky's multiple Wave Oscillator, theory Glossary  


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Multiwave Oscillator



Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

More information click here


Rife pro Rife machine

"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam ray)was reported to be the most powerful"

""I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."."

The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here



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Multiwave oscillator for sale'

Multiwave oscillator price

When we are aware that what we are aware of, what we are experiencing, is not all that could be experienced; and that what we know, believe, understand , remember, etc., is not all that we could know, believe, and so on – in that moment we are conscious of abstracting. When we are aware that what we say about someone, something, some situation, results from our nervous system’s processing of limited amount of information about that person, thing or situation, we are conscious of abstracting. When we are aware that our maps ( what we see, hear, know, believe, understand; our opinions, plans, expectations, and so on) are not the territories they are maps of, we are conscious of abstracting. When we are aware that words are not the thing-processes they represent, we are conscious of abstracting. " H Dawes


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The information provided on this entire site is to be used as a reference source only. The site does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information nor in any way endorse or recommend any specific individuals, medical professionals, or course of treatments listed. In no event shall this website or Multiwave Oscillator Technology be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on this information nor does your use of this information constitute the offering of medical advice by this website or Multiwave Oscillator. Technology...